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Red Pill Shirt

(2 customer reviews)


Size ChartMen’s
SKU: HSS_91371126005 Category: Tags: ,


Make people see red (pills.)

Let’s face it.  No one likes to hear that their cherished beliefs are wildly mistaken.

Just like in The Matrix, there are many people that love “reality” as they perceive it.  You know, the “reality” where there is only one humanity, all men are created equal, men can become women, incest and pedophilia are edgy, and mutilating your body with tattoos and piercings is not deliberate ugliness but rather a valid expression of your true, essential, inner self.  (Which is purely material, since the “soul” is a superstition.)

They’re dead wrong, of course.  But they cannot discover their errors themselves.  And they know what “red pills” are; they’ve seen the movie.  They’ll tell you to take your alternative viewpoint and shove it!

We promise, you’re going to get some dirty looks.  

Just tell them it’s an emergency use only vaccine.  Then they’ll take it!

COVID was probably a real emergency for the obese, diabetic, immunocompromised, male septuagenarians that comprised over 80% of its fatalities.

But in our blighted culture, ignorance is an emergency for just about everyone.

It’s not their fault.  Their propagandists are smarter than them.  And the propaganda is everywhere: schools, churches, dinner tables, movies, textbooks, law briefs, Saturday Night Live… how can they escape it?

If they were willing to blindly take an experimental vaccine for an illness that most likely wouldn’t hurt them much, maybe we can use the same messaging trick to persuade them to examine their vast ignorance.  It’s worth a try!

There’s only one treatment for ignorance, and it is AWAKENING. Wake up your friends now with a blazing HATESHIRT that tells them exactly what they need to cure their Progressive delusions: a big, fat, red, reactionary pill. One size wakes everybody!

Some background for Boomers and grandmothers.

The term “redpill” originates from the movie “The Matrix,” where the protagonist Neo is offered a choice between a red pill and a blue pill by the character Morpheus. Taking the red pill would reveal the harsh truth about reality, while taking the blue pill would allow Neo to remain in blissful ignorance.

To “redpill” someone means to expose them to the truth, in contrast to commonly accepted beliefs or mainstream narratives. Taking the red pill, in this context, involves rejecting conventional wisdom and embracing an alternative worldview, often with a sense of awakening or enlightenment.

K, grandma?

Our shirts are comfortable.  Our ideas, not so much.

“Hate” is heresy.  “Hate” is heterodoxy.  “Hate” is any conclusion you come to, no matter how rational, that contravenes the fundamental dictate of Universalism: that everyone is “equal.”

Don’t know what “equal” means?  Don’t worry, they don’t know either.  They just know that it is “true.”  (Whatever “true” means these days.)

By wearing a HATESHIRT, you’re literally helping to save the world… from ignorance, superstition, lies and malicious propaganda.  All while luxuriating in our 50/50 cotton/polyester, well-fitting, washable, attractive, versatile, stylish tees.  Seriously, this is so easy that we can’t call it “activism.”  Activism is work.  At best, this is slacktivism.  

Narrow minds, wide eyes.

You can always tell when someone is alarmed by your HATESHIRT.  They’ll stare at you with wide eyes as they pass you on the street.  You may be branded as a kook, a conspiracy theorist, or (gasp!) a racist.  

But don’t let that bother you.  Remember, even if only one person in a thousand that sees your HATESHIRT is thereby encouraged to think for himself, rather than parrot his parents and professors, you have already done a world of good.

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.

–Margaret Mead

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Large, Medium, Small, XL, XXL, XXXL

2 reviews for Red Pill Shirt

  1. freddy123
    October 16, 2023
    nice product
    Helpful? 0 0
    October 16, 2023
    Amazing Product
    The best tshirt I have ever had
    Helpful? 0 0
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