Biden's geriatric drool has been edited out of existence with Photoshop.

Make America Geriatric Again!

It’s not clear which semi-sentient mass has a higher IQ: Joe Biden, the incumbent chief executive of the United States and an aged biological mass; or WordPress, a technological morass of (mostly) javascript that runs to some ten million lines for an ordinary install – far too many for one man to comprehend or configure.

But what is clear is that Biden is way, way older than WordPress.  Also, Biden drools, and WordPress does not.

This is what Biden actually looks like. The images of him you see on TV are deepfakes generated by AI.

Biden is so old, he’s had tea with Abraham Lincoln.

Perhaps there’s a new kind of MAGAt around: the kind that Votes for Joe!  He’s the Old People’s president.  He’s so ancient, he predates indoor plumbing.  And he’s so addled that he thinks Brittney Grin(d)er is a woman.  Even Kamala Harris can keep up with him in conversation — and that’s saying something!

Why make America Great, when you can make it Geriatric?  (For the inevitable anagram-philes and other assorted pedants: yes, there is a “great” in geriatric.”)

Well, don’t say we didn’t tell you.  This kind of shitshow was inevitable for “Democracy,” which is the embodiment of corruption and degeneracy under the rubric of grand phrases and slogans such as “equality” and “justice.”  The age of Democracy is the age of Democide; who can deny it?  Which democracy is your favorite: Pol Pot’s?  Stalin’s?  Hitler’s?  Kim Jong Un’s?  Or Abraham Lincoln’s, which waged the first modern Total War against another nation for being less… democratic? Which of these democracies do you think the most tyrannical?

If George Orwell were writing today, he would almost certainly lampoon the U.S. “deep state” bureaucracy the way he lampooned Stalin’s totalitarian “democracy.”  (Yes, “democracy” and “totalitarianism” are absolutely compatible, even symbiotic.)  Orwell was bright enough that if he could see America and the West today, he’d probably abandon Progressivism — which back then, he probably called “liberalism.”

However, no one would read him.  He’d probably be canceled.

This post isn’t even funny.  It’s way, way too factual to be funny.