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SHAME: the antidote for Pride


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Pride is a disease.  SHAME is the cure.

Nowadays, people don’t talk about “sin.”  It’s an antiquated word, reminiscent of a time when people kept silly notions — like that they had souls, or that community standards ought to be observed, or that something besides their own selfishness or autonomy might be important for the well-being of society.

Sin is out.  It’s not cool, it’s not fun.  Whatever you want to do, do it!  

Do as thou wilt shall be the whole of the law.

–“The Book of the Law,” by the demonic creature “Aiwass,” recorded by his faithful servant Aleister Crowley, 1904

Gee, where have we heard that before?  How about out of the mouths of every screaming two year old?  I mean, for some people, goth is a phase.  But check out Crowley at the ripe old age of 37:

He heard voices, too.  Does this look like the type that you should trust to author a novel moral system?

Do whom thou wilt.

It’s not hard to see the nexus between devil-worship, viewed as mere hostility to authority, propriety, standards, norms etc. — and the varieties of sexual deviancy that have cropped up in society today.

Remember the 90s, when homosexuality was still controversial?  Then-President Clinton’s policy for the armed forces was “don’t ask, don’t tell. ” In other words: keep your perversion to yourself, please.

But that was never going to last.  I mean, how can you be “proud” of something that you’re forced to keep closeted, out of sight?  

There’s a reason we close the bathroom door when we sit on the toilet.  It’s because we feel shame about the disgusting acts that take place in that little room.  If you doubt us on this, consider the following: what makes you desire privacy in the first place, when taking a dump?  Why not be exhibitionist about it, and put a toilet on a pedestal in the middle of a busy street?  

It’s called “shame.”  You don’t have to be a Catholic priest to feel shame.  You only need to have standards.  Any standards at all will do.  They don’t have to be exacting.  They merely have to exist.


Without shame, there can be no standards whatsoever.

The Pride movement, together with all of its antecedents and corollaries, is born of hatred of standards.  

Norms are standards.  Community standards, personal standards — any standards at all, if enforced, are a coercion.  That is, they limit individual behavior in some way.  

And shame is the enforcement mechanism of community standards.  This is why deviants always decry shame.  “Don’t shame me!” means “Don’t apply your standards to me!  No standards apply to me!  I can do whatever I want, and you must countenance it, tolerate it, even celebrate it, because I’m proud of it!”

If you’re a narcissist at heart, accountability to a norm or standard that you did not invent yourself is absolutely intolerable.  Especially if you are also disinclined to exert yourself, AKA “indolent.” 

Why should other people who are merely haters have any say in what you do with your body, your life, or your genitalia!  Get the government out of our bedrooms!  


They ought to be ashamed.

The queer theorists and their generations of duped practitioners, including deviants of all sorts, ought to be ashamed.  They ought to despise their instincts and impulses, and curb their behavior. 

They ought to love order more than pleasure.

But they won’t.  They are moral relativists, debased into near imbecility by the fraudulent doctrines of modernity and postmodernity, they literally think that nothing is “right” or “wrong.”

Perhaps we cannot blame disaffected 13-year old bullied schoolchildren for their resentment of authority and standards, which they can scarcely understand.

But what are we to do with the adults who mislead them, corrupt them, and encourage them in their self-abasing degeneracy?

Shame them, that’s what.  Shame them early and often.  

Deviancy can be shamed out of existence.  All it requires is courage on the part of those that can see it for what it is.  Do your part.  Wear a HATESHIRT, and send a courageous message to the moral nihilists.


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